At the moment everyone in my G.T. class is making motivational posters. In order to meet our teacher's expectations we have to require certain things in the poster. We need to have 4 images total. 3 of them being the symbolic images that I had in the last blog post and 1 of them being a portrait photo of my face. We also need 2 text layers, one of them being the manifesto and the other being our personal quotes. Our manifesto and personal quotes have to be spread across the whole page and kerned, leaving no blank spaces. There has to be a triadic color scheme with 1 dominant color and 2 other colors that accent it. We also have blending options for the text layers such as drop shadow, stroke, outer glow, and bevel & emboss. We may also have adjustment layers like levels, curves, exposure, and color balance. I need to try my best to make this poster high quality and meet all the requirements.
In order to start the poster I had to have my personal quotes and full manifesto. When I finished that I copied them and pasted them into Photoshop. After putting the personal quotes and manifesto into two separate layers, I kerned them so they filled up the whole screen with no spaces. When I finished kerning I put my 3 symbol images and my 1 portrait image of me. I arranged them so they were neat and lined up. After I finished arranging the photos I chose my
triadic color scheme. I put one of my colors on the personal quotes along with bevel & emboss and stroke. I did the same with my manifesto just a different color. After that I added the last of color of my triadic color scheme to my images in the back. I made sure everything looked right and I was finished.
There are always challenges in projects, but the biggest one in this project would have to be kerning the text so it took as much space possible while still looking neat. Kerning the text was what I spent most of my time on throughout the whole project. I still think that I could've made it look better, but I did my best. I am happy with the outcome of this project and I can't wait for more.