Hello there! Today there is yet another G.T. project! This time, we are making groups in our class and making videos to enter in the 2016 MOV. Film Festival. My teammates are
Emma McGinnis, and
Daileen Barton. The themes for the film festival can either be "Tell Me A Story" or "Make Me Laugh". We decided to do "Make Me Laugh" because we, for some reason, think we're funny. We decided to make a movie trailer that a is a spoof of the horror movie
Oculus. Before filming anything, my team and I have to plan everything like plot, characters, and keywords. Our key words for our film are horror, spoof, and comedy. We wanted these keywords to connect with the audience and draw them in. We feel that they will connect with the audience, because they will se comedy and know what they're in for.
During the pre-filming time, one of my team's focuses were to find a message that we want to send to the audience. We wanted to add humor to a situation that originally wasn't very humorous. We also wanted to point out things that could have solved the situation a lot faster and easier. We decided to add humor in places that are supposed to be serious. I, personally, love movie trailers and am excited to film this and hopefully make some people laugh. So, our main goal is to pretty much make people enjoy themselves and have good laugh or two.
Throughout the planning/filming/editing process of this project our team may have gone through a couple bumps on the road, but our biggest challenge that we had to face was probably filming. We didn't exactly plan very well the first time we filmed. We didn't get everything that we needed and we're going to have to plan another time to film the rest of our video. We also could have found a better place to film, because my room isn't exactly the roomiest place to be filming. Although these were serious challenges in our filming process, we were able to work with what we had in the end, and hopefully the result is a good, funny movie trailer.