Hello everybody! Today I'm going to be talking about one of my first G.T. videos that me and my teammates made. This video was called "5 Tips For Turning in Your Homework on Time." I did this video with my friends Jasmine Laplante and Nahele Keale. When we made this video, we still didn't know very much about composition techniques and sequencing. We weren't the best at this at the time, but we still had to try our best. When my team and I chose this we thought that there was a lot of people who sometimes had trouble doing their homework and turning it in on time. We chose this topic because we wanted to let these people know some tips on how to turn it in one time and raise their grade. In this video that I have above, we show and tell you tips on how to turn in your homework on time and how to focus better while doing it.
For this project I think that my teammates and I could have planned this a lot better. We never really got a chance to meet up because we never had time to do it together. We probably could have planned during school when we could get together to record footage. Since I had to do a lot of the recording by myself, we didn't have a lot of time to edit the video. One thing that I really regret about not putting in the video is music. My team was falling really far behind and had to turn the video in before it was too late. We were under pressure and I honestly wish we would have just added that music. When the viewers were watching the video I really wanted them to be interested, but when you don't have music or anything it really gets the viewers bored. One thing I really like about the video though, is that when the text shows up we chose the paper theme to match with the fact that we are giving you tips on homework.
This project was probably one of the hardest video projects I had to do. There are many reasons that this video was hard to make. One of my two other teammates were off island, my only other teammate and I never got the chance to meet up so I had to record the footage by myself with some help from my parents. In the last scene with Nahele in it was shot with our teacher helping us. I really think that this was pretty good for our experience at the time. We learned that when doing a project like this, teamworks very important and the only way do get things done is to communicate with your team.