Saturday, May 9, 2015

Lyrical Livelihood

At the moment, my favorite song would have to be If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens. It's basically about someone to is asking someone they love to stay with them. They know that everything isn't perfect and that they will have problems, but they will always be able to work it out. The lyrics make me feel that throughout your whole life you have relationships with people. Relationships with family, friends, and lovers. It reminds me that there are always hard times, but no matter what you have to work hard and remember that you have to get through it for the people that you love.

The music video song that my partner, Neliza Iannuzzi, and I chose is Roger Rabbit by the band Sleeping With Sirens. Choosing the song was a hard decision to make, but eventually we chose the song. We chose this song because it is relatable to almost everyone. Everyone has gone through a problem at least once in their life whether it was minor or big. Most of the time when you have a problem you ask someone for help or advice, but they can't really fully understand the situation unless you can fully understand it yourself.

Throughout the music video you will see that Neliza has a problem and she comes to me for help. I cannot understand her situation and I can't really give her advice on it. After we stop talking she realizes that she has to fully understand the situation before she can expect someone else to understand it. In the end she starts to understand the situation and she begins to solve it.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Animation Outtakes

Bouncing Ball GIF 
I am doing this animation project with three of my classmates. They are Kyler Sukehira, Nathan Gardner, and Charles McConnell. Kyler is a hard working student. He's always determined. Nathan is creative and came up with good ideas during the project. Charles likes to skate.

Stop motion is an animation that includes an object that is moved by someone every time there is a new frame. Stop motion is usually done with clay or just an object you can find anywhere and take a picture. Someone is supposed to move the object, take a picture, and just do that over and over again so it looks like the object is doing something when you put them all together in order. .GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. It is a format that supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image. When you see it, it will just play over and over again. It is almost like a video, but it has no sound.

In our animations my teammates and I are telling all our stories. I'm pretty sure all of us have seen litter and not just at a beach, but anywhere. Our animation tells a story about Nathan and how he sees a tourist littering at the beach. He then goes to his community and gathers a group that will help to stop the littering and pick up the trash. The audience should care because littering has become a big problem on Earth. It is everywhere. In the ocean, the mountains, and of course in the cities. If people pitched in and helped it could all make a difference.                                                        

Friday, May 1, 2015

Our Animation Story

The focus statement that my team and I chose is "Nathan Rescues Marine Life." This statement tells "my story" because I go to the beach sometimes and notice the litter. Unfortunately I don't do anything about it because I do not want people to think of me in a certain way. I thought that this was a good idea because showing people that it is good to stand up for what you believe in. Pollution is a big issue on Earth and this video is just a little contribution to showing that it is okay to help.

Just by reading the focus statement you can probably tell a lesson that the audience will learn. My team and I wanted to send out a message about how litter and pollution injures and even kills the marine life. We want the audience to know that by throwing away your trash and recycling your cans and bottles you can help to save marine life and prevent animals in the ocean from dying. The audience can learn this lesson by watching Nathan and the people he gets from the community help to pick up the trash on the beach.

There were many moments during the making of this project, some good some bad. The worst moment would probably have to be, in my opinion, the editing. I think this because of how many choices we had in iMovie. A couple people wanted certain things and others wanted other things. It took a while, but we finally settled on what we had on the video. Our best moment, in my opinion, would have to be the filming. During the filming there were complications, but it was the least complicated part throughout the whole process.