Thursday, February 27, 2014

Composition Techniques

There are many Composition Techniques to use in your videos, but in my opinion the main four composition techniques are the bet way to go. These four composition techniques are called Rule of Thirds, Framing, Unusual Angles, and Leading Lines. Let's start from the beginning. The composition technique of Rule of Thirds is when in a video if a shot is cut into sixths, the subject's eyes or head is in one of the top corners. In case your wondering, the Framing that I am talking about is not putting a wooden square around a panting. The composition technique of Framing is found when in the shot, there is something that helps you focus on the main subject by blocking other things around the edges of the shot. When Unusual Angles are used it means that this one shot is taken at a shot where most shots would not have been taken at. I like to use unusual angles sometimes just to grab the viewers attention. Last but not least, the fourth composition techniques is Leading Lines. Leading lines is used to draw attention to the main subject. Leading lines is when in a shot there are main lines leading to the main subject.

Some of you might be asking, why do we need to use these in our videos? How are these supposed to make our videos better? Well there are many reasons why composition techniques make our videos better, but here are a few. When we are using these composition techniques in our videos, we are making our videos ten times better. These composition techniques help to make our videos look high quality by making our video look neat and well made. I don't know about you, but I think that using composition techniques really help our videos to look better and give them really eye-catching qualities.


  1. I love that you put example of your video and nice job on your video

  2. I really like the background and text of this blog. It looks really nice and is easy to read. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks! I just went and took a look at your blog. It's really great and I love your writing!
