Thursday, February 13, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

Me and my team made this video not too long ago, but not recently. When we made this my G.T. class was learning about three shot sequences. We had many choices to choose from and we chose: Girl Picks Up Binder. In these three shot sequences, there is the wide shot, medium shot, and the close up shot. In that order, these sequences are shown in the video. The wide shot is made so that you can see all of the subject. In our wide shot there is the binder that is just sitting in the grass. A medium shot is when, if the subject of the shot is a person, you can only see them from the waist up. In our medium shot, we show a girl walking to the binder. Last but not least, the close up shot is when you are zoomed in on the subject close up. Pretty much explains itself. In our close up, we show the girl picking up the binder. Sure, in this video the camera was shaky but we were only beginners and in my opinion, we did pretty well.


  1. Hi Makena, great post, I loved seeing your video, and I love your color scheme!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Maddie! It took me a while to find a good back round that I really liked. Luckily, I found this one!
