My most important goal to me would be obtaining a healthier lifestyle. Eating healthier and going out and exercising more would really help me a lot. It would really make a lot of stuff easier for me and even boost my confidence. I'm really looking forward living healthier and feeling a lot better about myself. It would also be really good for me to start living with a healthier mind too, not just my body.
Just saying that I want to live healthier is easy, but I have to try hard to take the steps to make sure that I really do succeed. I planned out practicing living healthier with my parents and we all agreed to do this together. I'm going to start planning out my meals and even find new meals that are healthy. I plan to go out and exercise more. I don't only want to start living a healthier life for just my body, but my mind too. I want to start being more optimistic and looking on the bright side of things. In the past, I have stressed out a lot over little things and it really isn't good for me. So it would really help me to work on relaxing every once in a while to sort things out. Hopefully I can succeed this aspiration and start living a healthier life.
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